About the initiative

The goal is for the Gospel to reach every person in the Czech Republic during the month of November 2023. So we are not talking about one big evangelistic event, but a month of celebrating the Gospel, where people will encounter the Gospel everywhere: in public transportation, in newspapers, in mailboxes, on billboards, on social media, through other media and in person.

More about the vision

In order to properly prepare for the National Revival and grasp the vision even better together, we are attaching a 20-minute recording from the Kingdom of Heaven conference and Josef Bajzík’s interview for radio Wave. In addition, we organize ZOOM meetings, lunches for pastors and church leaders, we send out the newsletter “God’s News” every month and, last but not least, we organize a series of prep events, our National Revival Camps.

Who supports the initiative

Denominations and Organizations

Salvation Army (Armáda spásy)

The Salvation Army is a denomination that emerged from a movement founded around 1865 in London by William and Catherine Booth. In 1919, the Salvation Army arrived in the Czech Republic, where it has been active ever since (with the exception of the communist era). The goal of the Salvation Army is to bring people to Christ and serve the poor.

Evangelism Explosion (Evangelizační Exploze)

Evangelism Explosion (EE) is a movement founded in 1962 by Dr. D. James Kennedy in the USA. It has spread to all nations of the world and currently it is functional in almost 100 countries including the Czech Republic.

EE’s vision is: “Every nation equips every nationality and every age group to witness to every person.”
We want to be part of the transformation of the world by being a catalyst for the Church of Christ, which will cause the church to bear witness and multiply.

EE is currently actively involved in the global GoMovement.

Evangelizační exploze Česká republika

LeaderImpact – PrimeNet

LeaderImpact is a volunteer movement of leaders striving to make a lasting impact.

Together, they challenge all leaders to achieve more through the development of their personal, professional and spiritual lives.

Through groups, events, excursions and communication, this global network grows and impacts cities, nations and the world.

LeaderImpact - PrimeNet

Christ for everyone (Kristus pro každého)

KRISTUS PRO KAŽDÉHO, z.s. (KPK) is a Christian association based in Hradec Králové. It has been active throughout the Czech Republic since 1991 and cooperates with evangelical churches and other friends of this work who identify with the goals and principles of their activity.

The association faith statement is based on the creed of the World Evangelical Alliance. On an international scale, it is connected to the missionary movement Every Home for Christ, which now operates in 151 countries around the world. It is a non-profit organization, all literature is provided free of charge to those interested for personal use. The source of funding for all activities is the voluntary contributions of friends from abroad and Czechia.

Through our own publications and other Christian literature, we strive to make people in the Czech Republic familiar with the basics of the Christian faith. In the area of ​​biblical education, we mainly offer a biblical course based on the Gospel of John. The source of information for all supporters of our work is the magazine Oběžník KPK, which is published twice a year.

Kristus pro každého


The goal of the organization ZASÁHNOUT SVĚT is to reach the Czechia and Slovakia with the good news about Jesus Christ. We believe that not only Africa, but also postmodern Europe can be touched and transformed by God’s Word and Spirit. God’s Word remains alive, sharp and effective regardless of the social and cultural atmosphere. Even in the 21st century, the Gospel of Jesus Christ remains God’s power for the salvation of every person – but only if it does not remain on the shelves of theological libraries but is preached to unbelievers. God’s Word says, “How can they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? And how can someone preach to them without being sent?” We believe that even among us in Czechia and Slovakia, here and now, there are people who God wants to use to preach the Gospel to the masses.

Zasáhnout svět


The Open Heaven conference is a platform for collaboration between individuals, local churches and organizations. It also includes a school and conference for pastors and leaders. It is a partner of the Polish organization Nations on Fire. Our goal is to equip believers for the work of ministry. We want to see the manifestation of God’s Kingdom through signs and wonders in this generation.

Otevřené nebe

Pastors / church leaders

Stašek Bubík

Stašek Bubík

Pastor CBH Praha

Jiří Oubrecht

Jiří Oubrecht

Pastor CBH Sedlčany

Honza Folbrecht

Pastor Hope České Budějovice

Přemysl Kopeček

Armáda spásy, Praha

Sváťa Dysmas

Sváťa Dysmas

Pastor AC Olomouc

Michal Krchňák

Michal Krchňák

národní ředitel EE ČR

Dan Drápal

Dan Drápal

Pastor KS Zlaté Hory

Miroslav Bísek

Miroslav Bísek

kazatel CASD Tachov

Jiří Čihulka

Jiří Čihulka

pastor My Father´s House, Turnov

David Symon

David Symon

misijní pastor CBH Praha

Tomáš Süss

Tomáš Süss

pastor CBH Praha

Ramil Šambazov

Ramil Šambazov

pastor Mana AC Strakonice

Petr Škopek

Petr Škopek

pastor AC Třeboň

Petr Škopek

Eliška & Karel Wagnerovi

pastors KS Život Liberec

Peter Kuba

Peter Kuba

pastor Milost

David Novák

David Novák

předseda Rady CB

Marek Valda

Marek Valda

vikář CB Děčín

Pavel Bubík

Pavel Bubík

2. zástupce biskupa AC

Barbara Folbrechtová

Barbara Folbrechtová

pastor Č. Budějovice

Peter Lakomý

Petr Lakomý

pastor Milost Ostrava

Jakub Hauzner

Jakub Hauzner

pastor KS Dobrá zpráva

Petr Kukla

Petr Kukla

pastor CžB sbor Teplice

Michal Vaněk

Michal Vaněk

pastor Slovo života Brno

Jiří Musil

Jiří Musil

Kazatel CB Elim Písek

Vladimír Kocman

Vladimír Kocman

pastor Milost České Budějovice

Jan Spěváček

Jan Spěváček

pastor CB Sušice

Olga Zdeňková s manželem

Olga Zdeňková

pastor AS Karlovy Vary

Olga Zdeňková s manželem

Tomáš Krajník

pastor KS Česká Lípa

Olin Kadlec CB Klatovy

Olin Kadlec

pastor CB Klatovy


Josef Bajzík

Služebník, Praha

Pavel Pavko Novotný

Pavel Pavko Novotný

Služebník Brno

Anna Fojtová

Anna Fojtová

Služebnice, Blansko

Jan Selnekovič

Služebník, Nové Město pod Smrkem

Pavlína Oubrechtová

Ředitelka, Hospic Křídla

Terry Brown

Terry Brown

Ředitel LeaderImpact/PrimeNet

Terry Brown

Carolyn & Cindy Riley

Breath of the Spirit Minstry, Praha

Lady Zika

Služebnice, Praha

Alžběta Špičáková

Alžběta Špičáková

Služebnice, Kristus pro každého

Andy Janeta


Huňka Vlastimil

Vlastimil Huňka


Sváťa Dysmas

Jaromír Biolek

Služebník, Týnec nad Sázavou

Filip Mazúr

Filip Mazúr

Služebník, Chrudim

If you want to become part of the initiative, join the interactive network map. If you are a pastor or actively in ministry, please also send us your photo to narodniprobuzeni@gmail.com so we can add you to the other leaders. Thank you very much.